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High performance customized product
Customization of projects in IC Design
Your IC Design project in the hands of the best professionals
When hiring a company specializing in software development, you must ensure that your project will be developed by experienced professionals within a well-defined schedule.
Count on a team of experienced and qualified developers to provide IC Design services when hiring. We align all the needs of your project, from the budget to the execution schedule, all well planned.
Customização de produto
Customização de Antena RFID
Design e otimização para uma performance superior
As etiquetas eletrônicas - RFID's ganham cada vez mais espaço no mercado de identificação, logistica, controle de acesso, entre outros. A RFiDo Design está aqui para ajudá-los a ter as melhores antenas para chips RFID do mercado. Também projetamos antenas para leitores de RFID.
Our services
IC Design Service
We deliver a high level of customer service
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How we work
Customizable designs
We develop and deliver projects in the size of your needs.
We are experts in custom antenna design development, new product development and custom antenna design for RFID's and mobile/portable devices.
RFIDO DESIGN team is able to design specific IP’s as well as complete mixed-signal solutions involving Analog/RF, Digital, Verification expertise.
We have designed for our customers UHF RFID front-end, NFC front-end (ISO 144443, ISO 15693), security monitors for smartcard applications, energy harvesting front-ends, Transceivers for IoT and sensors (temperature, light, process detector).
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